Dr. Steffen G. Tschackert makes Germany's Next Topmodel smile

On February 28, 2008 the third season of Germany's Next Topmodel was started by Heidi Klum. An average of 2.89 million viewers follow the first steps of the new talented young models. In the third season the girls showed their skill in several photo shootings, catwalk trainings and various challenges. In addition to perfect model measurements and acting talent, a top model should have a beautiful and perfect smile, too. As expert for the perfect smile Heidi Klum takes the Frankfurt specialist for aesthetic dentistry, Dr. Steffen G. Tschackert, in her expert team. In the fourth episode of the third seson Dr. Tschackert gives the young promising models tips for a perfect Hollywood smile and some good advice how to keep it.

For photos please click here

Report with Dr. Tschackert in Pro7 SAM

On Thursday, March 13, Pro7 exclusively reported in "SAM" about Dr. Tschackert. Subject of this broadcast: Dr. Tschackert brings the Hollywood smile to Germany with the Las Vegas method. During this recording Dr. Tschackert helped a patient to get her new dream smile.

See this broadcast (german language)

Arrange a free consultation   Termin vereinbaren Telefon +49 (0)69 28 30 30   Termin vereinbaren per E-mail praxis@tschackert.com


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